Good News for Homeowners in Florida!
Home insurance rates have been going up, up, up in the past few years. We know you’ve been feeling that pain! But we have some good news for you: All signs are pointing to some relief.
» Some insurance carriers that left Florida are now returning.
» Others are opening up capacity to accept new Florida customers.
This means that there is more competition in Florida, which drives rates down.
Additionally, as an independent agency, we are able to requote your current policy to see if we can pinpoint some savings opportunities. Below are some examples.
» Having a wind mitigation inspector take a look at your house
» Re-evaluating the replacement cost for your roof
» Changing your policy to include a larger deductible in exchange for lower premiums
» Discounts if you carry other policies through us, such as car insurance
Please reach out to us to have a quick conversation about your current coverage, so we can identify potential savings opportunities for you!
Thank you for supporting our family-owned business!
~ GCE Team
Attention Florida Educators
Are you retiring or changing jobs?
If you are looking to retire or switch careers, and will need to separate from the Florida Retirement System (FRS), we can help. Our team of professionals can help with the planning and paperwork required, taking some stress off your plate during this transition period. Please give us a call to see how we can help!